How to Choose Your Colours

Colour theory can be one of the most overlooked methods of refreshing your environment. Picking the right colours for your home/ office or business can impact the way you feel and, therefore, function.

Starting with a main colour that is neutral can help make your space flow and give more emphasis to variations like accent walls. Usually we like to recommend one colour for the majority of the space and a couple colours for personalization in spaces like bedrooms and bathrooms.

Choosing a neutral colour throughout the majority of the home has a few benefits that we touched on previously. Simplicity being the first; your home or office can get cluttered quickly with more than a couple leftover paint cans for touchups.

Having the ability to store fewer supplies while making it easier to distinguish the correct colour will simplify the painting process in the future.

Which Colours work for my home?

The most common colours for 2023 have continued to be white and lighter greys. If you’re deciding to choose less common colours you might want to consider having to repaint if you decide to sell later on.

Most real estate agents and interior decorators would recommend lighter neutral colours when you’re going to the market so why not start now!

How Will I Know How It’ll Look Once Dry?

We have all heard someone say that they bought a colour at the store only to paint it on the wall and notice a different undertone. The problem with the paint chips at the store is they are all in one specific sheen and it doesn’t translate well in different lighting.

What we have noticed is that the more neutral the colour the less of this that we’ve seen. A way of testing to see what the colour will do in the rooms actual lighting you might choose to buy the small sample cans and do little test patches in the rooms.

We recommend that if you are going to do this you use a small roller and not a brush and do it in a less obvious area of the room. One thing to remember about sample cans is that they are also in a specific sheen that may make the colour vary once applied to the wall.

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